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PDO Nose Thread Lift

A thread lift is a procedure that uses FDA approved threads made of barbed polydioxanone (PDO) placed under the skin in a strategic fashion to lift and suspend tissue that is sagging. This non-surgical procedure is designed to enhance and redefine your nasal profile. This technique involves the strategic placement of dissolvable threads beneath the skin, gently lifting and contouring the nose for a natural, refreshed appearance.

non surgical nose lift in davie and broward

Here are some frequently asked questions about our nose thread lift procedure:

How does the process work?

The nose thread lift process involves the use of specialized threads made from biocompatible materials. We carefully insert these  threads beneath the skin to lift and reshape the nose. The threads stimulate collagen production, providing a long-lasting, natural-looking result. This approach allows for precise control over the contouring process, ensuring a tailored solution for each individual.

What are the benefits?

This procedure offers a quick recovery time compared to traditional rhinoplasty, allowing you to return to your routine swiftly. You will have a more balanced facial profile, enhanced nasal contour, and increased self-confidence. With minimal discomfort and a lower risk of complications, the nose lift is an ideal option for those seeking a refined look without the downtime.

What is the procedure like?

It is a straightforward and minimally invasive procedure. It begins with a thorough consultation to understand your goals and expectations. We then administer local anesthesia to ensure your comfort throughout the process. Our skilled medical professionals will strategically insert the threads beneath the skin, gently lifting and contouring the nose. The entire procedure typically takes about an hour, and you can return to your daily activities shortly afterward.

What can I expect after the procedure?

One of the key benefits of this procedure is the minimal downtime it entails. While some swelling and bruising may occur initially, these effects are temporary and typically subside within a few days. Results are visible immediately, with continued improvements as collagen production is stimulated over the following weeks. You will enjoy the newfound confidence that comes with your refined and enhanced appearance.


Why choose Enlightened Medical for a nose thread lift?

We are dedicated to providing personalized care and ensuring your comfort throughout the entire process. We utilize the latest advancements in medical aesthetics to offer you a safe, effective, and cutting-edge solution for your aesthetic goals. We work closely with you to understand your aesthetic goals and craft a personalized treatment plan. Whether you desire a subtle refinement or a more noticeable change, our experts ensure your satisfaction.