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About Enlightened Medical

The word enlightened means to have a great revelation, expanding your understanding of life and the world around you, meditating to expand your awareness, and removing confusion. Our goal is to enlighten patients and empower them daily.

About Dr. Danelle Kutner

Originally from New York, Dr. Danelle Kutner, D.O., moved to Florida to begin medical school at Nova Southeastern University. After graduation, she then completed a four-year residency in Emergency Medicine at Henry Ford Bi-County Hospital in Warren, Michigan. Dr. Kutner then moved back to Florida, where she became board certified in Emergency Medicine, and has worked in the emergency department for the past ten years. In addition to her noticing a gap in the prevention of disease processes for patients, she realized her love for aesthetics and skin care. To combine her love of both things, she embarked on a new path, opening her own practice in Davie, FL, Enlightened Medical.

During her 14 years as an emergency medicine physician, Dr. Kutner has taken care of thousands of patients. Many of these patients could have prevented their disease processes had they had the proper guidance in making healthier lifestyle choices. Dr. Kutner saw an amazing opportunity to help others before they too ended up in an emergent situation.

In order to provide her patients with the best care, Dr. Kutner has expanded her education and taken countless courses on nutrition, hormones, exercise, neurotoxins, dermal fillers, chemical peels, lasers, thread lifts, and medical grade skin care. She also recently added to her credentials by becoming board certified in Aesthetic Medicine.